Christmas Stockings
Red, green, gold, and clear stones
Christmas Tree and City
Silver, green, gold and red rhinestuds and clear crystals.
Christmas tree trimmed
Green rhinestud tree trimmed in red
Christmas Wreath
Green, blue, gold, silver, red and clear multi stones and rhinestuds.
Cowboy Santa
Clear and red crystals with silver stars.
Decorated Trees
Green, gold, silver, purple and red rhinestuds with gold metals and clear crystals. Can be found undecorated in the Trees category, JLT105.
Flat Gift Box
Gold, red, green gunmetal rhinestuds and clear crystals.
Forest Trees
Green and silver rhinestuds, gold metals with clear crystal. This design can also be found decorated in the Holiday Category H145.
Gift Box
Green, gold, red, lime green and clear crystals.
Gift Box Strip
Silver, pink,green & purple rhinestuds with gold and pink metals.
Gift Boxes
Red, green, purple, turquoise,and pink rhinestuds with gold and silver metals.
Holiday Ornaments
Pink, rose, purple, lime and silver rhinestuds with clear and peridot crystals.
Holly Leaves Design
Green and lime green rhinestuds with gold metals and Siam crystals.